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<aside> <img src="/icons/meeting_blue.svg" alt="/icons/meeting_blue.svg" width="40px" /> 4 Teammates


<aside> <img src="/icons/chart-line_blue.svg" alt="/icons/chart-line_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Founded: 2023


Our story

In 2019, Jessica was building AI systems for pathology when she started wondering what exactly her models had learned from their training data. Disappointed with existing interpretability methods, she began researching her own – and found that sometimes, her models knew things that she didn’t.

Four years, several publications and most of a PhD later, her work on glitch tokens sparked widespread interest. She secured funding to found Leap Laboratories with Jugal – with the mission of using interpretability to fully, and safely, unlock the promise of AI.

We are a small team of diverse backgrounds and skillsets in AI, engineering, and operations dedicated to making this future a reality.

And we’re just getting started.

Our team

Copy of September Raise Deck.jpg


The whole team in Leap’s London office





Co-founder & CEO Jessica Rumbelow speaking at Entrepreneur First prepping the next batch of AI founders


Co-founder & COO Jugal Patel showing off Leap’s interp dashboard at Minds DB HQ in SF


Founding Engineer Robbie McCorkell demystifying AI models at AI Tinkerers in SF



How we work

<aside> <img src="/icons/gem_blue.svg" alt="/icons/gem_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Empowering ownership

Everyone at Leap is an outstanding performer with high agency and a sense of urgency.

Micromanagement stifles our creativity and innovation.

We empower you to take ownership of your work and time by providing you with the resources and flexibility you need.


<aside> <img src="/icons/globe_blue.svg" alt="/icons/globe_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Hybrid environment

Everyone is enabled to do their best work regardless of location by fostering a flexible work environment.

We spend three or more days a week in the office together, and sometimes hang out after work too.

We are currently hiring in London and San Francisco, however, we can make the occasional remote hire.


<aside> <img src="/icons/megaphone_blue.svg" alt="/icons/megaphone_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Excessive communication

There is no such thing as over-communicating. We ensure our independent work does not become siloed through consistent collaboration, ideation sessions, and thinking out loud.

We work together in one room with no walls between us. Be prepared for vocal lightbulb moments and pacing around. Headphones are encouraged for deep work.


<aside> <img src="/icons/peace_blue.svg" alt="/icons/peace_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Holistic focus

The greatest asset we have is, and always will be, each other.

Our lives outside of work are highly valued, and everyone at Leap is supported in tending their physical, mental, and social health.

Fulfilled humans produce the most exceptional work.


What we value

We believe that the ultimate thing a job can give you is a great environment: a thriving, buzzing, inspiring team. This is why each of us strives to live up to these standards:

<aside> 🤝 Community

Our most valuable assets are the people we work with. We foster a culture of collaboration, respect, and support for each other, in the lab and outside of it.


<aside> 🪂 Founder Mindset

We are all owners of Leap. We understand how pivotal every one of us is to its success and take this responsibility personally. There is no job too small. No domain that we do not touch.


<aside> 🧐 User-Obsessed

We are grounded in real-world applications, not theoretical ones. Our focus is on solving real problems, and understanding our users so we can empower them with our technology.


<aside> 🎓 Learning Mindset

We have a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to continuous learning. There are no dumb questions. We strive to create an environment that encourages curiosity.


<aside> ⚖️ Strong opinions, lightly held

We must hold strong opinions to succeed. However, intellectual humility is just as important. We’re open to being wrong and persistently seek healthy debate and constructive criticism.


<aside> 🏎️ Personal Drive

We are self-motivated with a strong desire for excellence, evident in our ability to take ownership of our focus area and deliver impactful solutions. We work hard.


<aside> 🌱 Resilience

We are quick to forgive and never forget. When mistakes are made or things don’t go our way we learn, adapt, and move on, coming out stronger for it.


<aside> 🥇 Idealistically high-bars

Our goals are incredibly ambitious. The milestones and action items along the way demand increasing excellence, creativity, and speed. This is required in everything we do.


<aside> 🏗️ We like hard problems

We consistently push into the realm of the possibly impossible.
